I'm writing this sitting at an airport waiting for my flight home. Work keeps sending me out-of-town, which was all good when I was young and single, but is becoming dull now when I'm married and have a kid. But I gotta pay that mortgage, right?
(Oh noes, I have exposed the fact that I'm married! Now all the hordes of female blog-fans chasing after me will move on to the next sexy blogger hunk. What will I do without all those virtual panties that have been thrown at me allt his time?)
I just only had time to install the 3.3.3 patch before leaving home the other day. I didn't see any paladin changes, which is a very rare thing. No Pvp nerfs. No redesigned talents. No AoE threat nerf. It must have been a mistake, which I'm sure Blizzard will correct with an unannounced stealth hot fix. Or maybe the paladin team is so exhausted from all the previous changes that they needed a vacation this time around.
When I'm checking my earlier posts I realize that I stopped writing ICC guides when I got to Professor Putricide. Well, I guess that's proof enough that I hate him. When I start explaining tactics on Putricide in our casual 10-man, I throw up a little in my mouth, and quickly make a raid vote to go to Blood or Frost wing instead.
I'll try to pick up the guide writing, even though it feels a bit late to write them at this point. I might just go for heroic guides instead, but I'm just starting doing the heroic fights now, so it'll take some time for me to digest them.
In unrelated news, Arnax finally got a brand new hat. He's now wearing his first piece of T10 (iLvl264). The competition for Conqueror marks is fierce in our raids, since we run with six (!) paladins, threeish warlocks and fourish priests. It doesn't help that for some reason, the Conqueror marks drop less than the other two...
Boarding time. Time to squeeze into a metal tube with a hundred others traveling home.
Thank God it's Friday!
Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred
3 months ago