Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm still here.... honest!

More than a month has past since my last post. That is, of course, unfortunate, but I have had loads to do at work lately, and since that is what pays the bills, blogging has been down-prioritized to a level where it competes with mowing the lawn and cleaning out the garage.

My lawn looks like a jungle, and there is hardly room for my car in the garage. So I'll just give a short update on what's going on in the game for me.

We have 8 out of 12 heroic encounters down in ICC25. Lady Deathwhisper, Putricide, Sindragosa, and Lich King are still up. Lady was our goal this week, but it didn't work out.

One of the guild's 10-man groups are working on heroic Arthas. The group I run with has had some problems with signups, but we are at 9/12 hardmodes (Putricide, Sindragosa, and LK left).

My casual ICC10 is working on normal mode Lich King.

There has been some minor leaks from the Cataclysm Alpha, but nothing to be especially excited about.

And we all know that the only thing that really matters is: What will female worgen look like?
