Last night we got an ad hoc group together to do some mob-whacking in 10-man Ulduar just for fun. We brought a mix of people, including some who had never been in Ulduar before.
Five hours later, General Vezax was dead and we went down to have a look at Yogg-Saron before we called it.
I'm quite surprised about the difference in difficulty between 10-man and 25-man Ulduar. 10-man Ulduar is a walk in the park; The mobs hardly make a dent in your armor, and the bosses have so little health they go down faster than a popsicle in Sahara.
We were running with me as main tank together with a feral druid. That meant we didn't have the imba cooldowns that a death knight tank has, but it didn't become a problem anyway. For Mimiron's Plasma Blasts, we had both tanks tank him in turn to use their individual cooldowns to survive in phase 1.
On General, I used my Divine Protection together with a priest's Guardian Spirit and a paladin's Hand of Sacrifice (since the priest didn't have his Guardian Spirit glyphed) to survive the Surge of Darkness.
Mana was a non-issue in the General fight as well, even though I only have 1 point in Spiritual Attunement. Every time my mana went below 50% I stopped using Consecration, and then my mana started going up again, thus allowing me to start using Consecration again.
It was a fun raid. Very relaxed compared to the 25-man raids. I passed on all the tanking gear that dropped (the off-spec tanks were happy about that), but picked up the Tier helm from Mimiron, so I could get the 2-piece bonus (I have the T8.5 skirt from Freya-25).
If you are wearing Naxx-25 gear, Ulduar-10 is a nice and easy way to learn the encounters before stepping it up to Ulduar-25.
Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred
3 months ago