Monday, May 11, 2009

General down

Yup. General went down.

I did this fight as retri, since tankadins face potential mana issues (especially since I'm running with just 1/2 Spiritual Attunement). We started by using a warrior tank who kited the boss during the Surge of Darkness, but he ended up being killed early in every attempt. So we switched to a death knight tank who just tanked him where he stood and didn't move at all during the fight.

As retri, this fight is extremely simple. I don't have to interrupt the Searing Flames like the other melee classes, and I don't have to worry about mana since Judgement of the Wise is totally imba. I just stood behind the boss and nuked as hard as I could for about 4 minutes, and then the boss was dead.

I know the rest of the raid was running around looking for green puddles to get mana back, and the interrupters had a crucial task of interrupting the Searing Flames. I, on the other hand, just stood there and nuked.

We ran into Yogg-Saron's room to check him out and quickly wiped since people stood in clouds that spawned loads of adds. I was still in retri spec and found myself trying to kill the Guild Master while being mind controlled.

I think the Yogg-Saron fight will take some time to learn.

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