Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Vindication and Hammer of Justice nerfs

More incoming PvP nerfs for paladins in today's hotfix:

  • When immune to the stun of following abilities, Maim, Bash, and Hammer of Justice will no longer cause player spells to be interrupted but they will still interrupt NPCs.
  • The Retribution Paladin talent Vindication no longer reduces the targets stamina or intellect but does correctly lower agility, spirit, and strength.

The first one means that sooner or later, the diminishing returns from the stun effect of Hammer of Justice will make the opponent immune to the silence effect as well as the stun effect.

The second one turns Vindication into a completely useless talent. Reducing the opponent's agility, spirit, and strength is not exactly useful.

So within a couple of weeks, several paladin PvP talents have been nerfed: Hand of Freedom, Eye for an Eye, Hammer of Justice, and Vindication. And of course the nerf to Exorcism so that it no longer could not be used on players and their pets. Even our retribution aura got nerfed!

If retribution paladins are so overpowered in PvP that they need these nerfs, why are we not seeing more of them in the higher brackets in Arena?

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